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Below are several poems Serapha has written over the years. Included on this page are both her published and unpublished works.

Layers of gray and white shelter God's canvas
slowly revealing shades of blue and pink.

Mountain Laurel
The breeze carries a heavenly perfume as I walk past the purple and white blooms. Down a lush path filled with wonder, I take shelter from the rain and thunder. Awaiting patiently, the storm passes through and gray clouds reveal skies of blue.

Her name was Violet, a child so meek. Always hungry and very weak. She'd spend her days begging for food. Many would slam the door, so rude. One day she cried out in great despair. Lord, I'm dying, can you hear me up there? Days turned to months, months to years. Her eyes so red from all the tears. Then one day a spirit appeared. He said, I can help, do not fear. He dropped a charm into Violet's hand and then he quickly turned to sand. The charm would bring much luck and wealth and Violet soon reclaimed her health. What a vision of beauty to behold when Queen Violet sat on her throne.

Her illness robbed her of any hope and made it very difficult to cope. She was as helpless as a baby. This once strong and vibrant lady so frail and small. She looked like a doll.
As she rocked in her chair, I'd gently comb her hair. Then I'd help her into bed and prop up her head.
Watching as she slept all night long I wept. Nonna passed away on Mother's Day.

I lie still. He writes the will.
My last living hour. He has all the power.
He'll never be caught, I fear. The thought brings me to tears.
Fading into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Mirror Image
No Devil liveD oN

Earth's Little Treasures
Colorful Autumn leaves. A cool afternoon breeze.
Raindrops that fall from trees. Sweet honey from bumble bees.
A moonlit sky that sets you at ease.

Trails of tears fall down my face as we have one last embrace.
I know this is our last goodbye. Your going off to war to die.
My only child, so young and brave is being sent to an early grave.

The crys and pleas down the hall leave me feeling rather appalled.
Imprisoned by their pain it drives them insane.
They do get some relief, but it is very brief.
Alas the torture is too great. Each one surrenders to their fate.

In a moment of great despair, his pain was too much to bear.
He decided to end it all but as he took the fall,
Sweet Angels appeared. He cried out joyous tears.
They lifted him to safe passage and gave him a message.
The angels told him to pray and his pain would go away.
Now his troubles are in the past. He's found peace at last.

Whispering Winds
Whispering winds tell me your secret. You can trust I will keep it.
Volittle winds, soft summer's breeze cutting through winter's freeze.
Frightening winds cause death and despair throwing its victims into the air.
Heavenly winds lift up your soul, now you are whole.

The Hanging (1820-1840)
Athough a crime was committed, he never did admit it.
Dangling side to side, dusty road below the angry mob glared t the town's foe.
Curious onlookers gathered round. The rope was cut and he fell to the ground.
As quickly as they came, the crowd scattered. The question of guilt, now just didn't matter.
The chaplain buried the man by the great oak which was also the resting place of his folks.
On his tombstone, these words were inscribed: remember this day for an innocent man died.

Melodic Torment, the Song that Never Ends
Melodic torment over and over again. The chiming never interludes in my head.
It has coerced me to insanity, this delicious form of profanity.
Sleep is no escape for it is then that I wake.
Take away this diabolic harmony which brings great suffering to me.
I hear spirits from the other side each one telling me how they died.
I ask what do they want with me? They reply, you can set us free.
How do I accomplish this? All it takes is just one wish.
I follow through with their solution hoping to bring this to conclusion.
Then in an instant there is silence no more tales of horrid violence.

The Ghost of Annabell Lee
She stands before me as I awaken. I often wonder why her life was taken.
A look of sadness turns into madness and then she disappears.
At times I'm frightened and then enlightened. Why can't
I unlock this mystery. What of her tragic hystery? Such hollow
eyes they tell a story. She stands before me as I awaken, I often wonder why her life was taken.

Lost at Sea
My dear child was lost at sea taken from me.
I can't believe its been 10 years of endless tears.
As the waves slam on to ground, I lose all hope that he'll be found.
But as I turn to walk away I hear his cries from lonely skies.
His haunting message is very clear.
It comforts me to know he is here. Think of me, think of me...

Homeless Moses
Emptiness and despair have given me gray hair.
Drinking and drugs turned me into a thug.
The people in town refer to me as the clown.
The man I used to be died, leaving a shell of me.

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